Daily Briefing 6/22/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge
Daily Briefing 6/22/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge Daily Briefing 6/22/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge from Presbyterian Lay Committee on Vimeo.
Daily Briefing 6/22/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge Daily Briefing 6/22/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge from Presbyterian Lay Committee on Vimeo.
After a lengthy, complicated and confusing process, which included juggling a main motion, a substitute motion and the original overture, the Social Justice Issues Committee voted 56-1 to approve an alternative to the “apology overture,” that was sent to the 222nd General Assembly by the Presbytery of New York City. And while the resolution approved…
The More Light Presbyterians met on Tuesday to celebrate the 25th anniversary of a document titled “Keeping Body and Soul Together: Sexuality, Spirituality, and Social Justice,” a document that was rejected by a margin of 534-37 at the 1991 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). In his opening remarks, Alex McNeill, executive director of…
“Allah bless us and bless our families and bless our Lord. Lead us on the straight path – the path of all the prophets: Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad,” and so went the prayer offered up by Wajidi Said, from the Portland Muslim Community, as part of the “first order of business” during…
Daily Briefing 6/21/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge Daily Briefing 6/21/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge from Presbyterian Lay Committee on Vimeo.
At the end of the day Monday, the Middle East Issues Committee voted 58-18 to approve with comment, the controversial Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) report 08-06 entitled “Israel-Palestine: For Human Values in the Absence of a Just Peace.” The report with recommendations was developed by ACSWP in response to a request…
The Theological Issues and Institutions Committee of the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) shouldered the task of amending the denomination’s Revised Directory of Worship during Tuesday’s afternoon and evening sessions. A wide assortment of resource people spoke, including three of the people charged with the revision, Chip Hardwick, Charles Wiley and David Gambrell…
Daily Briefing 6/20/16 (Part 1) Daily Briefing 6/20/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge (Part 1) from Presbyterian Lay Committee on Vimeo. Daily Briefing 6/20/16 (Part 2) Daily Briefing 6/20/16 with Carmen Fowler LaBerge (Part 2) from Presbyterian Lay Committee on Vimeo.
Before the dinner break, Peter Hulac, the moderator of the 222nd General Assembly’s Immigration and Environment Committee, took an straw poll to see where the committee stood on its views about whether on not to seek divestment from oil companies. Hula offered three options: divest now, a middle option following the suggestions of the committee on…
As the 222nd General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) addresses the “Hope of our Calling,” one voice stood out with the message that the hope of our calling means we are called to a life of healing and wholeness that includes a biblically based understanding of sexual identity. At a luncheon hosted by OnebyOne,…