Carmen answers the question, “How did we get here?”–in regards to the PCUSA’s slow and steady drift away from the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Carmen answers the question, “How did we get here?”–in regards to the PCUSA’s slow and steady drift away from the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
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No, you got here because of terrible *ecclesiology.*
In the 1600s you thought you fixed a perverted form of church government,and you “reformed” it. But the thing you pride yourselves on, “correct government” is the very thing that has been perverted. Once the surrounding culture became more “evangelical” (even lazier ecclesiology), the incoming members in your denomination were not held to any of these Reformed creeds, and the organs of power, the various synods and central organs were all taken over by theological liberals.
We now read about “authoritative interpretations” and “definitive guidance,” etc. which of course are not authoritative, they’re just unbiblical nonsense. But the modernists have control of all these bodies. And you somehow think this somehow started in 1910. Wrong! Go back and think about the consequences of a church with no ecclesiology.
A very complete and well stated history of the Presbyterian Church in America. Knowing that the Bible and Christ teachings have been challenged for so long is sad to see but clearly foretold in Scripture. Thanks for the help and enlightenment of The Layman organization we better understand how critical are the issues and why individual congregations need to address these issues in a timely and Christ-led way. Thanks so much for your clear summary of Presbyterian denominational history in the USA.