By Mark Yapching, Christian Today.
A controversial pastor with the Presbyterian Church (USA) has claimed that “belief-less” Christianity is actually progressing.
The claim is made by Oregon-based Presbyterian Church (USA) Minister John Shuck in an article titled “I’m a Presbyterian Minister Who Doesn’t Believe in God”.
He claims that “[b]elief-less Christianity is thriving” in the article, published in Patheos’ The Friendly Atheist blog.
“We all have been trained to think that Christianity is about believing things,” Shuck said in the article. “Its symbols and artifacts (God, Bible, Jesus, Heaven, etc) must be accepted in a certain way. And when times change and these beliefs are no longer credible, the choices we are left with are either rejection or fundamentalism.”
Shuck also used the article to say that he takes offence at not being called a Christian. The minister said that while he rejects the Bible as literal truth, and denies the existence of Heaven and Hell, he is still a “proud minister.”
Related links:
From Cascades Presbytery: John Shuck’s statement of faith
Sermon at Shuck’s installation service by the Rev. Aric Clark
11 Comments. Leave new
It is a crying shame that godly pastors like Joe Rightmyer are defrocked while godless heretics like John Shuck are still in good standing in the PC(USA).
Our collective inability to discipline clergy for theological aberrations is further evidence of our withering.
One of the marks that distinguishes the true church from the false, according to the reformers (and ironically in the Scot’s Confession in the PCUSA’s Book of Confessions) is the enforcement of discipline.
Implementing this determination in this case should be an easy exercise for the reader.
This is disgusting, he’s on the pcusa’s payroll, and does not believe in the product we’re selling. At least the anything goes crowd here in the pcusa (for the most part) acknowledges that Christ is the Savior of the World. This guy needs to get a real job, and leave the heresy to louisville.
John has openly challenged those who believe his views are heretical to file a disciplinary action against him. His theology is laid out in his 8 points posted on his blog. John has framed the question as clearly as it can be framed. “Is there an opinion or belief or lack of belief that constitutes heresy in the PCUSA?”
I am reminded of the late ECUSA Bishop Sponge, who reveled in his paganism and founded audience for his nonsense among the mainliners. But at the end, it was all about him, all about his beliefs and how much press he could garner. The other famous ECUSA Robinson fell into the same trap of self-absorption by their own message. At the end both died alone in more ways than one. My guess the same fait awaits the PCUSA ordained, self-definded pagan evangelist.
This poor soul needs our prayers. He’s obviously not firing on all six cylinders.
If a risen Christ is out the door for him, I wonder his stance on the Easter Bunny and tooth fairy? He needs something to talk about Easter Sunday.
This example does pose the question. Does the PCUSA still do Heresy trials? The most simple answer is no. For to have one, you must have a fixed point of reference in theology and confession. In the pantheistic, big tent PCUSA, such does not exist.
The real only heresy in the PCUSA is that against the institution or structure. Hence heresy trials are only reserved for those who threaten their claim to church property, or seek to deny them financial compensation. That is the PCUSA. As for the ordained pagan evangelists, his path is one well traveled by many before him. His hubris and ego which demands, compels him forward, will be his undoing over time. Nothing more can be gained by further commentary.
To call John Shuck a heretic is too give him too much credit. According to the Webster’s Dictionary, a heresy is “a religious belief opposed to the orthodox disciplines of the church.” He is a self proclaimed atheist and rejects the existence of God. He is not simply guilty of a heresy, he is guilty of the sin of unbelief. “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.” (Hebrews 3:12) John Shuck’s unbelieving heart has caused him to fall away from the living God. My heart grieves for the sheep under this false teacher. That a presbytery would allow a thief and robber into the sheep pen is a sad testimony to the state of the PC, USA. One day he will stand before the living God he so foolishly denies and will be held accountable for those he has led astray into unbelief. He calls himself a “proud minister.” His pride serves as a testimony to his ignorance and a warning to those who would heed his “godless chatter.” “If anyone teaches false doctrine and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, he is conceited and understands nothing.” (1 Timothy 6:3-4)
This article reads like one from the Onion.