Click here for the audio (Mp3) of our August 18, 2015 “Conversation with Carmen” conference call
If you want to download the file, right-click on the link above.
Here was the pre-call description of what was going to be discussed:
The August 18 Conversation with Carmen will begin with real-time live updates from The Fellowship Community national gathering in San Diego, Cal.
From there, #CarmenTalk topics will include:
- Mission partners severe relations with PCUSA over marriage
- Update on churches, one interesting financial payout, and the ongoing internal strife at PCUSA headquarters
- Moderator says that churches are returning to PCUSA after departure to other Reformed bodies. We ask, “what churches?”
- Carmen’s rebuttal to the PCUSA Big Tent “10 reasons, stronger together” presentation
We’ll move from insider Presbyterian baseball to a time of equipping you to speak the truth in love in the midst of controversial cultural issues:
- Planned Parenthood, the PCUSA and a shout-out to Presbyterians Pro-Life
- ISIS, genocide and the real war on women:what can you do?
- The Colorado baker and the Kentucky Clerk of Court: being authentically Christian in the workaday world
We’ll conclude with a few specific opportunities for you to impact the church and culture:
- Take the Evangelism Overture approved by Tampa Bay presbytery to your presbytery for concurrence
- Invitation to join Carmen at the Presbyterian Scholar’s Conference at Wheaton, September 17-18