By Michael Gryboski, The Christian Post.

Screen grab from the Bloomberg Businessweek article “Abortion clinics are closing at a record rate.“
One hundred and sixty two abortion clinics have closed in the United States since 2011, which is reportedly faster than at any other time since the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade.
In data compiled by Bloomberg Businessweek released Wednesday, since 2011, 162 clinics have closed while 21 new ones have opened.
“The drop-off in providers — more than one every two weeks — occurred in 35 states, in both small towns and big cities that are home to more than 30 million women of reproductive age,” according Bloomberg Business reporter Esme Deprez, who is a finalist for the Livingston Awards for “my story about the legislative assault on the business of abortion.”
While noting that pro-life legislation passed by Republican lawmakers at the state level is one reason for some of the closures, Bloomberg reports that declines were also found in predominantly pro-choice states.
“California’s loss of a dozen providers shows how availability declined, even in states led by Democrats, who tend to be friendly to abortion rights,” continued Bloomberg Business.
“Industry consolidation, changing demographics, and declining demand were also behind the drop, along with doctor retirements and crackdowns on unfit providers.”
Read Abortion clinics are closing at a record rate, by Esme E. Deprez, Bloomberg Businessweek.
1 Comment. Leave new
The abortion industry and industry infrastructure, stand alone “clinics”, PP, and their congressional sycophants have always rested upon a social contract forced upon the American public, post Row V. Wade. That the mechanics and processes of modern abortion, which by any definition is the most barbaric, mechanically dehumanizing act in medicine should not only be tolerated, but tax payer supported due to an interpretation on “privacy” that does not even exist in the Constitution.
40 years post Row it is not Americans are having less sex than 1973, or that we all got “religion”, but in many ways the technology of abortion has changed, morning after pill, other off the shelf options. And the users of “abortion” services in 2016 America are not the women of color or the poor as PP would have us belief, but suburban, white college age females who use the clinics much a stop at Starbucks. Which is why the number of actual “clinics” have closed in urban areas with a higher concentrations of people living below the poverty line, but continue to operate mostly within 10 miles of college/university campuses. And as the expose of the industry has shown, the modern abortion industry is essence a meat processing line for both profit and research.